Antisemitism on Display at Boston’s Straight Pride Parade
“It is precisely because of Zionist liberals that the Israeli flag was present at the Straight Pride Parade.”
“It is precisely because of Zionist liberals that the Israeli flag was present at the Straight Pride Parade.”
“Toni Morrison, without a doubt, served as the greatest Anglophone writer of the twentieth century…[she] wrote as a Black woman, about Black women, for Black women.”
Republicans have become a party that claims to value what Amash values—“limited government, economic freedom, and individual liberty”—but push for greater government oversight, higher military spending, and infringements on civil and reproductive rights.
McKinsey Crozier analyzes the College Board’s move toward adversity scoring, and how that intersects with her own academic experience.
In no other profession would we expect someone to put so much of their own money and resources into their job without being compensated [for it]
McCain was witty and likable, an avenue for which Americans could ignore a nasty, partisan reality.
If you empower every person in this strength, he/she can reach his/her potential.