Ms. Judd Doesn’t Go To Washington
A Senate candidacy by actress Ashley Judd would have brought serious star power. Yet many believe the Democrats stand a better chance with her out of the way.
A Senate candidacy by actress Ashley Judd would have brought serious star power. Yet many believe the Democrats stand a better chance with her out of the way.
Get used to the name John Cornyn. You may well be hearing it more and more in years to come.
The Supreme Court heard oral arguments in the Proposition 8 case today. How they will rule is anyone’s guess!
A Vice media project set up a meeting between the outlandish former Chicago Bull and North Korea’s new fearless leader. What?!
President Obama’s caused an explosion in the twittersphere by using the phrase “Jedi mind meld.” But he could have done worse.
More than just 90-minute diversions, the year’s best films can teach us a bit about how the tenor of U.S. politics ought to change.
Our nation’s leaders could learn a lot from Michelle Obama — and the fun way she’s approaching the issues important to her.
Stephen Colbert has often joked about seeking elected office. But it is his sister, Elizabeth Colbert Busch, who is making a very real run for Congress.